Success Coaches’ Playbook: Your learning style

How do you learn best? You may find yourself having a hard time retaining information while listening to class lectures or rereading assignments a few times to recall the information. These issues may be surfacing because you have a specific learning style that helps you retain and learn information.

There are three different styles in which most individuals learn: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

Visual learners learn through visual representation. Graphs, charts, and pictures easily make sense to them. The visual learner has an easy time with memorization of the written word and remembers things when they are written down.

Auditory learners best understand information when it is heard and spoken out loud. These learners appreciate when instructions are read out loud and find recording lectures helpful.

Kinesthetic learners like a hands-on approach to new material. Demonstrating something versus explaining it comes easier to a kinesthetic learner. When covering new material, these learners absorb better while doing something active like reading on a treadmill.

Understanding your learning style can help you become a more successful student. To learn more, make an appointment with your academic success coach.

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