Ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year dedicated completely to love. It is a day to show loved ones how important they are. However, for college students, it becomes more about saving every penny and dime before Feb. 14 comes around. The cliché gifts are a bouquet of flowers, a carton of candy and a stuffed animal, and these alone can add up to more than $30. Add to this the cost of a nice dinner or tickets to see a movie, are the total can be as high as $100. Some college students don’t even have a part-time job to cover these costs, since the majority of their time is spent studying.

But on a day so special, students should not be worried about how much it will cost them to buy a gift, but instead, they should be focused on making memories and enjoying the day with their significant other. To ensure that more students will spend time celebrating the holiday rather than stressing over it, here is a guide for a college student’s Valentine’s Day that won’t break the bank.

Picnic under the stars

Instead of blowing through your savings, why not plan a romantic dinner underneath the moonlight? South Florida is the perfect setting for a night outside beneath the twinkling lights in the sky, with beaches just miles away, in cities such as Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood and Miami. It is the perfect place to lay a blanket down and enjoy some conversation over dinner and sparkling cider. Sandwiches or pasta are both hearty yet inexpensive main dishes. Finish off the meal with a special dessert like chocolate covered strawberries. Not everyone is the greatest cook, so another option is to buy dinner for two from a favorite local restaurant, like Chipotle or Panera. It is an inexpensive option and a sweet gesture, all in one.

Find ideas on Pinterest

Another way to insure a happy Valentine’s Day on a student budget is Pinterest. The perfect gift is usually one made from the heart. Putting thought into a gift is more important than how much is spent on it. The crafts on this website are so creative and thoughtful; it is impossible not to find the perfect gift to craft for Valentine’s Day, no matter what your budget is. Pinterest has do-it-yourself pins, which are pictures that can be pinned to boards, shared or liked on the website. These pins include everything from a “you float my boat” basket with ingredients to make a root beer float to dessert recipes for red velvet chocolate hearts. To personalize the gift even more, make a homemade Valentine’s Day card; something as simple as a red heart would do the trick. Add a romantic quote or a poem to the front of the gift to add a little personalization.

Balloons instead of pricey flowers

Can’t afford a bouquet of roses? Try a bouquet of heart shaped balloons. Balloons are a super inexpensive alternative to flowers. They are fun, vibrant and a nice way to say “I love you” and might also last longer.

Don’t have a date?

Don’t stress because it is also a day to be spent with friends. Have a Netflix night with a dessert potluck. Invite your friends over to watch your favorite romantic comedies on Netflix and have everyone bring a homemade dessert to share and feast on while the movies are playing. This is a great way to spend the night, laughing and joking around with friends.

Valentine’s Day can be done on a budget. It just takes a little creativity to turn this holiday into a day to remember.

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