A Saturday at Nova

Hey Sharks! I’m sorry I’ve been missing in action. But I’m back! I was so excited because this weekend I got to experience my first Community Fest here at NSU. It was better than I was expecting. From the free-food to the beautiful weather, I don’t know what more anyone could want.

I could really see how much it brought the community together. Organizations were connecting with children and the community got to know us here at NSU. There was something for everyone to enjoy and the free stuff was endless!

The performances were also extremely entertaining. From the Riff Tides to dancing there were so many different things to watch. But I think my favorite part of the day was being able to enjoy the beautiful Florida weather and take in all of what Nova has to offer. I got to appreciate the school that I now attend. I think we all should take the time to appreciate this a little more and recognize the school you attend. Trust me I know we all could deal without the all-nighters and endless papers but realizing who and what surrounds you may make it a little easier to get through that homework or biology exam.

You only go to college once and I think it’s time to enjoy all that it offers and not drown in the pile of homework you have for the week. Thanks to Community Fest I got to see who else is in my community, who I can go to for help, and other people just like me. I think the event is one of Nova’s best ideas and should be continued on for many years to come.


Keep smiling, Amanda

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