Songs, snowflakes, skin care: Protecting your skin during the winter

Just because the weather outside may be frightful, it doesn’t mean that your skin won’t be delightful if you keep up a good skincare routine. It’s true that Florida only has one season, hot, but it is still important to protect your skin. Stay tuned for some tips to keep your skin toned.


Wash, rinse, repeat

Depending on your skin type, you might notice a change in your skin as a reaction to the change in weather. During the wintertime, especially if it is windy, it is very hard for our skin to retain moisture. As a result your skin may become dry and in some cases red and flaky.

To circumvent that, the first place to start is with your wash routine. Most people will agree they love a long hot shower or submerging their face in warm water during the coldness of the winter, but too much water applied incorrectly can have a negative effect on the skin.

According to, hot water dries out the skin, so it’s better to use lukewarm water to wash your face.

So first wet your face with lukewarm water, apply your face wash, and then when you are ready to rinse, make sure to rinse with cool water so that you seal in the moisture.

When bathing, try not to take extremely long showers because the repeated steam and heat from the water can remove moisture from your skin and cause it to be dry. If you normally use an oil-free liquid wash, you might want to find a backup cream-based wash ― they tend to be the friendliest.


Breaking skin barriers 

An important part of any skin routine is your exfoliator. Yes, breaking through those dead layers of skin is essential. Your skin cannot shine if it’s trapped under layers of old skin. Removing dead skin is essential year-round because it helps prevent unhealthy wrinkled skin.

During the winter, exfoliating is even more essential because, with the harsh weather, you can experience dry, patchy skin, and exfoliating will help even out your skin’s appearance by removing that dead skin.

Exfoliating is all about the technique ― do not think that the bigger the crystals in the product or the harder you scrub, the better and clearer your skin will be. In reality, the harsher the product, the greater the possibility of irritating your skin and or causing a break out. So try to get a product with good quality and decent-sized exfoliators.

You do not have to wash your face with rocks just to break through dead layers. If you have sensitive skin, you might want to cut down exfoliation during the winter season to about once  per week just because over-exfoliation can lead to dry skin, and giving yourself dry skin during the winter is like going fishing with no hook.

According to, exfoliates can be in either mask- or scrub-form and are good to use year-round in your skincare regimen because they effectively remove dead skin cells and increase moisture in the skin.


Keep it toned

If you want a summer glow during the winter, then you need to invest in a good toner. A good toner is usually witch hazel-based and works to protect, moisturize, refresh and prevent breakouts. The theme of winter skin care is moisture, moisture and more moisture.

You want to incorporate a good toner so that your skin stays balanced, and after washing your face, you need to make sure you lock in that moisture. Most importantly, if there were any impurities in the water you just washed your face with, the toner will help prevent against any negative effects of that, as well.

According to, toner removes residue from your face while simultaneously adding moisture to your skin. Not only does it add moisture, but applying the right toner can also help fight against acne-causing bacteria.


The magic of water

According to, water is good for your overall health, and you should drink more water to help create and or maintain a youthful glow. Not only does it help get rid of impurities, but it is also the only thing guaranteed to keep you hydrated.

Moisture is more than something you apply to your skin; it’s something you need to provide to the systems within your body. During winter, the air is dry, and it’s the time that your organs, such as your skin and hair, are the most vulnerable.

If you want to get technical, let’s think of your skin in its most basic form, a cell. Just like any other cell in the body, your skin cells are predominantly composed of water and, therefore, need water to function. Lack of water will lead to dry, flaky, aged-looking skin. While young, nobody wants skin that’s anything less than radiant.

Yes, our cells are made of water, but you constantly, throughout daily activities, lose significant amounts of water from the body, and so it is up to you to replace this water and make sure to stay hydrated. Most importantly, water consumption is a natural way to rid to the body of unwanted toxins that might otherwise appear on our skin as bumps, rashes and pimples. It does not happen overnight, but if you stick to it, you will definitely see the importance of incorporating a large quantity of water into your skincare routine.


All moisture everything

Remember how important staying hydrated is? Well, the truth of the matter is, as we ingest water, the benefits of it will reach our internal organs before we ever see its effects on our skin. That’s why it’s important that we remember moisture is more than just drinking water.

You can add moisture to your skin by applying a hydrating moisturizer to your skin daily. For your body, make sure that you apply your moisturizer within two minutes of getting out of the shower ― that way you lock in that moisture from the bath. For your face, you want to not only have a hydrating moisturizer but also a moisturizer that has SPF in it. Especially in Florida, while it may be wintertime, the sun shines year round, and so you should have protection from its rays year round as well. According to, the winter sun, combined with the glare can still greatly damage your skin.

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