Shark Speak for February 16, 2016

How do you prepare for midterms?


“I like to write everything down from class and put them on flash cards, and then I use the flash cards to help me study as far as a week ahead. Being organized and taking good notes is always very helpful.”

Maria Salaverria, freshman biology major


“To be completely honest, I try not to think about midterms until about three days before midterm week. To get prepared, I get a lot of espresso, take a good, long sleep the night before, and then I get my beach stuff ready. I like to go to the beach or somewhere off campus so I can just focus on studying, relax and have no distractions or time restrictions.”

Amy Anfinrud, sophomore marine biology major


“I really like to join study groups. I feel like I am more disciplined while studying my material if I have people there who push me to focus and study. I just think that study groups help you stay on track, and the input of others is beneficial.”

Brianna Law, freshman marine biology major


“I study by reviewing all of my past notes, quizzes and tests, making sure to focus mostly on the parts that I got wrong or struggled with, and, sometimes, I even form study groups so that I can have discussions about the material with fellow classmates.”

Lauren Santana, freshman education major


“I like to focus on stress relief. Midterm week can be very overwhelming, and, to make sure I perform my best, I like to detox my stress by doing yoga, eating well and getting a lot of sleep.”

Krystal Khemkaran, junior psychology major


“I try my best to pace myself and not overdo it with studying. Midterm week can make us feel exhausted, and I just prefer to re

view my notes and take my time.”

Casey Glass, sophomore marine biology major






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