Winter break: Go big when you go home

Skipping home for the holidays isn’t an option for most of us because we would never hear the end of it, right? Our families would tell stories for years about how we didn’t go home for that one Christmas break back in 2016. Going home for the holidays is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be unbearable.

Catch up with old friends
Either you can sulk and be the person nobody wants to be around or you can enjoy your time at home. One of the ways you can make the best of your three weeks off is by getting out of the house and hanging out with old friends. It may seem weird and awkward to hang out with friends you probably haven’t talked to since August, but you are all in the same boat. Catching up with old friends and rekindling friendships is one of the best things you could do during winter break.

Binge-watch TV
Another way to make winter break enjoyable is to catch up on all the television you missed during the semester. During the school year, it can be hard to keep up with your favorite TV shows due to those pesky exams and papers. Perhaps you are a season behind due to all those organizational meetings you’ve been attending. You could have missed out because whenever you did sit down to watch your shows during the semester, you felt guilty because you had a 10 page paper due in a couple of hours. Whatever the reason may be, winter break gives everyone ample time to catch up on their favorite shows and binge watch for hours without guilt.

Start a new hobby
Winter break is also a good time to do all the creative and fun things you wanted to do during the semester. It’s the perfect time to start that YouTube channel you have been talking about starting. It’s also the perfect time to read that book or give yourself that spa day. Winter break is three weeks where you can focus on you and not school. You can get all the little things you’ve been wanting to do outside of classes and work done.

Make money
Finally, one of the most enjoyable things to do over winter break is make money. You could go back to that part-time job you were working over the summer or work a temporary job over the break. Going back to work is a great way to reconnect with coworkers you haven’t talked to since summer. Plus, returning to campus with extra cash is a great way to start the new semester.

Winter break can be a drag at times, with the reinstatement of parental rules and the lack of freedom, but it doesn’t have to be. As long as you utilize your time well and do the things that make you happy, this winter break can be one of the best breaks you’ve ever had from school.

Winter break is the perfect time to relax and re-charge so you can come back to school better than ever.

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