Finding Fitness: BattleRope burn

As high intensity workouts and functional training are becoming more and more popular, there are many different types of workout methods to try in order to find the one that fits you. I just discovered one of them: BattleRope burn training.

As a fitness junkie, when I heard NSU was offering this class I didn’t hesitate and decided to go try it out. This type of training challenges both your physical and mental toughness, and in some intervals, it may require more mental strength than physical. According to RecWell, BattleRope burn is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) that develops your power and explosiveness.

It uses BattleRopes and firefighter hoses in a versatile way along with bodyweight exercises which are a perfect combination to make your heart pump. As scary as it may look, the instructors are there to remove any doubts you have and make sure you will achieve a high intensity training within your capabilities.

We began by warming up and getting familiar with the BattleRopes that we were about to use. Following that, they told us how the class was going to be: three main sets of three interval rotations between BattleRopes movements such as Russian Twist Slams and Forward Slams with Quick Steps Back, and bodyweight movements such as squats, lunges and pushups.

Once the workout started, the first few rounds weren’t bad. However, my arms started to get tired pretty quickly due to the rope movements. By the end of the first set, my whole body was hurting and I was taking longer breaks. I realized that this workout was no joke; if you over-exert yourself, you will sweat and burn out quickly. The second round started and the exhaustion started to set in but it was tolerable because I was able to work at my own pace. The second and third set went by pretty quickly and the next thing I knew, the workout session was over.

Everybody was sweaty and tired, but before we could leave we had to do one more thing: a round of one minute abs in pairs. Though, after the quick ab workout, I thought I was about to pass out. In fact, as I’m writing this, my body is still sore from the workout.

Overall, BattleRope Burn was an unconventional high intensity workout that delivers what it promises: burn. Even though the equipment might seem intimidating, everyone can do it as long as they are willing to train with the correct mindset. I encourage everyone to try it at least once because you never know, it might be the best training method for you.

Classes are available Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m in the RecWell gym.

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