Making the most out of your New Year’s resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are a common practice all around the world. According to, even though it seems like this practice is relatively new, the Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions around 4,000 years ago. Although it has changed over time, the core of the practice still remains: making a promise that one must fulfill in the upcoming New Year. It usually involves a change in the individual’s personality or a solution to a problem they might be facing.

According to an article published by Forbes, although nearly half of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, only eight percent actually stick to it. This may be because they’ve set unrealistic goals. Here are some tips for making your New Year’s resolutions that are more achievable:

Baby steps

Start by doing something small. Doing volunteer work or going to the gym once a week are more achievable and practical resolutions than going on a mission trip. This will help you achieve your goal without compromising your daily routine and you’ll probably find it easier to accomplish.

Know yourself

The best way to fulfill a New Year’s resolution is to be honest with yourself. For example, if you are not used to working out every day, it wouldn’t be surprising that you might become overwhelmed and give up quickly. Instead, you should find an achievable resolution that doesn’t obstruct day-to-day routines — one you feel comfortable doing without pushing yourself too hard.

Involve others

There’s no better way to start something new than by doing it with someone else. If you start a resolution with a friend, you will have better chance of keeping up with your resolution. By involving other people such as a friend, you’ll have a support system to motivate you whenever you are struggling and will give you an extra push if you need it.

Visualize your goals

Think about yourself achieving your goal and making it work. Studies in Psychology Today have shown that visualizing your goals are as effective as actually doing it. By visualizing yourself achieving your resolution, it will make you want to actually achieve it and could be used as motivation to keep going.

Assign short and long term goals

By assigning short and long term goals, you are also assigning milestones. Having small milestones in between your resolution is a good confidence booster and will make your resolution seem smaller.

When making your New Year’s Resolutions this year, don’t be too hard on yourself. Don’t fall for the common, and often boring, resolutions that everyone is doing. Try to make it more personal. Try to come up with a resolution that has an actual meaning to you, not only in a social or educational way, but in any other type of way. Be willing to try unfamiliar things that you find interesting but haven’t been eager to try. You never know what that activity you’ve always wanted to try may bring to the table. It all depends on how dedicated you are to attempt and keep your resolutions.

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