Relay for Life event to bring awareness about cancer to NSU

NSU, in association with the American Cancer Society, will host Relay for Life on April 13-14 from 5 p.m. – 5 a.m. in the NSU Alvin Sherman Library Quad.

The purpose of the event is to give people in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost and fight back against the deadly disease through fundraising. Relay for Life is one of the American Cancer Society’s leading fundraisers and signature events.

This overnight event will have a variety of activities throughout the night surrounding cancer research and funding. A ceremony to honor those personally impacted by cancer and this year’s contributors will begin in the evening. Immediately following will be the themed survivor and caregiver walk, where more than 40 teams are expected to participate. This year’s theme will be “Where in the world we can find a cure for cancer?” This walk is to honor the strength and courage of survivors and caregivers with every step they take.

Student teams will be tabling alongside the survivor/caregiver walk. One member from each team will be on the track at all times and members can tag each other in and out to keep walking. The reason behind this is also the event’s tagline, “Cancer doesn’t sleep, so we don’t either.”

Joshua Braverman, director of university relations for NSU Relay for Life said, “The purest way of looking at it is that there is no sleeping when fighting cancer.”

The way they will be encouraging the trading of team members is by giving each walking member a “spirit stick.” That way, people can keep track of who’s walking and can switch between group members. As the night continues, they will have the luminaria ceremony. During this ceremony, everyone touched by cancer will be represented with a luminaria. Each light will represent a life — a life taken by cancer, a survivor of cancer or support for a person still fighting the disease. To conclude, according to Braverman, they will have the closing ceremony where they will celebrate what everyone that participated has accomplished and commit to take action and help lead the fight for a world free from cancer.

Geormani Brown, a sophomore business management major who donated to the fundraiser, said, “Relay for life is a great event, encouraging strength and keeping hope alive with every donation. For me, this means my cousin’s exit doesn’t have to be another person’s fate.”

Those who wish to attend this event will learn more about cancer and how the disease impacts the NSU community, but will also be entertained.

“We are in a university, so we don’t like to do anything boring at our event,” Braverman said.

There will be bands, singers, NSU teams and performances by students.

“We are going for that kind of experience as well as raising money and awareness for this cause,” Braverman added. Several survivors will be speaking at the event as well.

The event is open to the public, and no RSVP is required. However, as Braverman stated, “we prefer that people sign up [on the website] with a team or to sign in as an individual, both of those are possibilities.”

NSU’s Relay for Life website is now open for donations or to join a group. Students who wish to volunteer can do it through the SLCE Orgsync page, where they’ll have a volunteer section for this event. For more information you can visit

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