Water Your Thoughts: Everything doesn’t need to be “shark”

As you may know, OrgSync has gotten a new name: SharkHub. The new name started to bug me when I began thinking about how many things NSU has added the word “shark” to. The list is quite long, as I have found over 40 names with the word.

Some of the shark names are associated with things we use every day, such as SharkCards, Shark Shuttle and Sharklink. Others are names for departments on campus like Shark Dining and Shark Athletics. Of course scholarships such as Shark Talent and Shark Teach also have the word. All athletic teams on campus are known as Sharks, including the Sharkettes. Even popular events on campus are “sharked”.

Since I was getting sick of everything shark, I decided to ask my friends at other Florida schools if everything was named after their mascot. My one friend at FSU said that there are things named after their mascot but the list isn’t as long as ours. My friends at UCF and FAU said the same thing. It seems like NSU is heavy on the mascot names.

There’s nothing wrong with some school pride. However, I don’t think everything needs to be named after sharks. Let’s be a little more creative with our name choices.

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