Letter from the editors

Hey Sharks,

Congrats—  we’ve all made it to the end of the school year! Even if you’ve still got some finals to study for or some papers to write, it’s worth giving yourself a pat on the back for getting this far.

When we started out our second year at The Current at the beginning of the Fall semester, we didn’t really know what to expect. We weren’t Co-Editors-in-Chiefs as we are now, but rather the news and opinions editors, respectively. Most of our staff from the previous semester had graduated or left The Current. By around September, we had an almost full staff, the majority of them new to journalism. We were admittedly nervous— but everyone here at The Current quickly stepped into their new roles with confidence and creativity, bringing new ideas to the table and working with a passion we hadn’t anticipated.

We want to thank Emma, Kelsey and Alexander for sticking with it this whole time. Even when things got tough and sticky (or worked on proof on the weekend) you all came back every Monday, ready to face the next issue— feel free to accept both meanings for that. To Skylyr, Kathleen, Mario, Farhan and Doice— without your help every week, including Saturdays and Sundays, the paper would just be a sad word document that no one would ever get to read. Also, we would like to give a big round of applause to our contributing writers and practicum students, because without all of them, it’s fairly likely our editors would’ve pulled their hair out from the sheer amount of articles we would have to write every week.

We need to give an enormous show of gratitude to our advisors, mentors and lifesavers, Dr. Michelle Manley, Dr. Megan Fitzgerald-Dunn, Jarrod Bailey and Crystal Knuth. Thank you for answering our late-night frantic texts, helping us get the inside scoops, reading through proofs at the worst hours in the morning and just being there for us when we needed to talk.

Finally, we need to say one last thank you: to you! Without all of our readers, The Current wouldn’t be around. Knowing that you pick up our paper every week or visit our website, helps us hit the keyboard on Mondays. You’re the driving force behind all of our hard work— we do it for you, but we also couldn’t do it without you.

See you next year!

Christina & Madelyn

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