Sharks Abroad Fair
The Office of International Affairs will host the Sharks Abroad Fair from 11:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m. in the Don Taft University Center Spine on Sept. 17. Students will have the opportunity to meet with organizations offering hundreds of international study and volunteer programs ranging from one week to an entire year. Attendees will be entered into a raffle for prizes. For more information students can visit www.nova. edu/sharksabroad or email sharksabroad@ nova.edu.
Wallyball Tournament
The NSU RecWell will host a 4×4 Wallyball tournament in the RecPlex Racquetball courts on Sept. 25 at 5 p.m. The cutoff deadline to register online for the tournament is Sept. 24. To sign up, students should sign in or create an account on IMLeagues.com/novasoutheastern. Onsite registration will also be available. Students with questions or concerns can contact Paul Joseph at pj355@nova.edu or call (954) 262-7303.
NSU Family Weekend
The Undergraduate Student Government Association is bringing back Family Weekend to Nova Southeastern University’s Davie campus from Sept. 27-29. The weekend will be a fun-filled and students will be able to provide their parents and families with a glimpse into the campus life and student experience found at NSU. The itinerary for the weekend will include a cookout at Mako Hall, an outdoor movie night, brunch, a beach day, campus tours, director and student leadership panels and more. Cost is $25 per guest. To register, students can visit https://secure.touchnet. net/C21175_ustores/web/classic/product_ detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=6086. For more information, contact usga@nova.edu.
Suicide Prevention Is Everyone’s Business
Dr. Scott Poland, co-director of the NSU Suicide and Violence Prevention Office, will be holding a seminar titled “Suicide Prevention Is Everyone’s Business.” The presentation will highlight how to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to intervene and secure needed services for a suicidal individual. It will be held on Sept. 26 from 2-4 p.m. in the Cortilla Gallery of the Alvin Sherman Library. For more information, students can call 954-262-4613.