Shine’s Kick-off Party (their first meeting of the academic year) took place on Wednesday, September 11. The Interfaith Room was redecorated to suit the theme
The transition into higher education creates a new opportunity to harness your true identity. For some, religion is a part of this experience. Whether you are a person of faith who has been part of a religion since childhood or if you are seeking spiritual answers, NSU has plenty of religious organizations to help guide you on your quest.
Interfaith and Spirituality Embassy (INSPIRE) @nsu_inspire
INSPIRE is the only organization on campus that is not affiliated with one specific religious movement. Rather, the goal of this organization is to embrace religious diversity and foster co-existence. “INSPIRE was born out of the observation that there have been many misunderstandings recently between religions. For instance, we have discussions about what to do if a Muslim girl’s hijab blows away. [Our goal] is not to convert, and we have people from many different religions participating. On the eboard, we have a few Christians, and I am Pagan. We also have some atheist and agnostic members,” said Athena Edwards, senior, president of INSPIRE. INSPIRE is also working towards creating activities on campus for Interfaith Week, which is celebrated nationally. If you are interested in joining INSPIRE as a member or to serve on the executive board, email ae665@mynsu.nova.edu.
Chabad @jewishnsu Upcoming events: Pita & Parsha, Wednesdays at noon, in the library quad; Shabbat dinner, Fridays at 7:30, in the Chabad house.
According to the president of the organization, senior Victoria Lamport, Chabad is a movement in Orthodox Judaism. “Chabad [the club] is more on the religious side [than other on-campus Jewish organizations], it’s more of a homey feel, as we have our rabbi and rebbetzin to help us,” said Lamport. Every week for Shabbat dinner, the rabbi ALL PHOTOGRAPHS ARE PRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM K. CRAPSON Shine’s Kick-off Party (their first meeting of the academic year) took place on Wednesday, September 11. The Interfaith Room was redecorated to suit the theme. and rebbetzin host students at their Chabad house. “We transform their living room into a makeshift synagogue. Everyone is welcome, you don’t have to be observant. We have people in dresses and people in scrubs coming to Shabbat,” said Lamport. The club functions more like a support network for NSU’s Jewish students and attending meetings is not a strict requirement. “We do things for students, like a home away from home, to have a nice Shabbat dinner, to have someone to come talk to, have a place for the holidays. Something we try to make transparent, we’re not here to make you be religious. We’re here like ‘Are you Jewish? Want to learn some stuff. Come eat some challah on a Friday night, eat some kosher food. If you need a mezuzah, we’re here for you,’” said Lamport.
Christian organizations Catholic L.I.F.E. of NSU @nsucatholiclife Upcoming event: General meeting, October 14, Desantis 1047, noon
Catholic L.I.F.E. (Living in Faith Everyday) of NSU is run through a collaboration with St. David’s Catholic Church, located on University Drive and SW 39th Street. The organization also offers a carpool service to Catholic mass. Caroline Russell, junior and president of the organization said, “Marta from Saint David’s brings [devotional] booklets. During our meetings we have food, and talk about what’s going on in our lives, and pray for each other and provide solutions.” Russell also mentioned planning bowling nights in the future. For more information, check out their SharkHub page and the Instagram page provided above.
Shine Women’s Bible Study (Shine) @shine_nsu on Instagram Upcoming events: Weekly bible study, Interfaith room, Wednesdays, 5 p.m
Hannah Farley, senior and president of Shine, started the club her sophomore year. “I was struggling to find friends [as I didn’t have] the types of friendships I craved for college life. So I started our bible study group, and ever since then, I found my closest friends here.” For those who are unfamiliar with Christianity, small group bible studies are a staple. Farley says Shine would like to follow suit, with their own “flash light” groups. “They’re mini peer-led groups, where a leader will lead four or five girls once a week, just as a way to meet new people,” said Farley. Other activities include community service projects and special holiday get-togethers. “We have “glamping” on October 18 in the Commons pagoda, and in November, our ‘friendsgiving.’ We also do community service, like collecting toys for Operation Christmas Child,” said Farley. If you want to learn more about how to join Shine, contact shinenovasoutheastern@gmail. com.
Greenhouse Campus Ministry (Greenhouse) @greenhousecollegeministry_sfl Upcoming events: General meetings, Interfaith room, Thursday nights, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m
Greenhouse is both a church, and a satellite organization at NSU. “We’re a faith-based organization, with the goal to bring students closer to Jesus and create community with each other. Everyone is welcome, and our main goal is for students to come back to Jesus and have a faith-based family,” said Mira Pacheco, sophomore, president of the organization. Greenhouse’s mission is based on a statement of “living green,” through community, mission and worship. Weekly meetings are hosted in the Interfaith Room, on the third floor of the Student Affairs Building, on Thursday nights from 7:30 p.m. Pacheco said, “Afterwards, we usually go out to eat after, which we call fellowship.” Students are also invited to attend church services at their “micro-church” location on Sundays at 7:45 a.m. at Western High School. For students who want to learn more, email Pacheco at mp2633@mynsu.nova.edu to join the GroupMe chat for the organization.
A Helping Hand: Calvary College Chapter at NSU @ccc_ahelpinghand Upcoming events: Weekly bible study, Mondays, 4:30 p.m, Interfaith Room
“[A Helping Hand] exemplifies togetherness across a college campus and community inviting all individuals from every denomination and religion to help others through the guidance and love of God,” said student Abigail George, president of the organization. This club is run in conjunction with local church, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. The organization offers transportation to Sunday services. “[The purpose of] this chapter is to help bring Broward County/South Florida closer together, as well as Nova Southeastern University’s student population through various community service,” said George. George specified that A Helping Hand will have community service outreaches in coordination with organizations such as Love South Florida, Luke 14 Homeless Outreach and Potter’s House Nursing Homes. Students can contact George at ag2224@ mynsu.nova.edu for more information.