Res Hall Problems: The Laundry Dilemma


As a freshman at NSU, I was looking forward to living in a dorm and finally gaining that independence I yearned for. One of the main deciding factors in picking NSU when I was a high school senior was in fact the quality of its dorms. I appreciated the suite-style and non-communal bathrooms. However, being here now and over the course of this past month, the story is a little different.

Personally, I live in The Commons so I am unable to speak for the other residence halls on campus, but in the nicest way possible, the laundry rooms are disgusting. Allow me to take you through the general experience of the laundry room on any given day:

When you first enter the laundry room, you will notice the floor littered with socks, underwear, and other miscellaneous articles of clothing. The room itself is grimy and dust balls cover every surface, giving the appearance that the room had not been cleaned in ages. The smell permeating out of the room and down the hallway also allows anyone within a 500 foot radius to smell the unpleasantness of the room. 

When you finally have the delightful chance to wash your clothing, be sure to check the washing machine beforehand and ensure there are no melted Tide pods stuck to the bottom, given they do not disintegrate properly due to the industrial nature of the machines. Once your clothing is finally dry, check for large grey streaks splattered across your clothing and then proceed to throw your clothing right back into the washer. Oh, and one final note, never dry your clothing on anything higher than low heat or it will shrink that favorite sweater of yours. 

We pay money to live in these dorms,  yet we have to put up with the terrible conditions of the laundry room. Any other housing complex would be in an uproar if their laundry room functioned like it does in The Commons. Maybe it is the college students unable to keep clean, maybe it is students ignorance in proper laundry etiquette or maybe it is the residence hall faculty unaware of all the problems involving the laundry room. Either way, something needs to change in these laundry rooms if anyone wants to look clean.

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