Shark Speak: How has your experience been with NSU’s student healthcare services? September 24, 2019September 25, 2019 The CurrentOpinions, Shark Speak “It’s been quality carethere. It’s a good staff,they’re kind and it’s nota long wait time for theclinic. It’s good serviceoverall,”-Tavysla Walker,senior biology major “I haven’t been ableto find the Hendersonbuilding at all. I don’tthink that the SharkShuttle even goes thereso it’s kind of hard toaccess, at least in myexperience,”–C.J. Hake, juniorbiology major “I went to the optometryclinic and making theappointment was easy.In terms of being timely,I experienced a lot ofissues. If I could changeit, I would hope that thegraduate students couldbe engaged, but alsohave the optometrist- more involved [in theprocess],”-Anaya Avila, freshmansecondary englisheducation major“I went to the optometryclinic and the graduatestudent who took careof me was very nice and[informative]. I went tothe general clinic withno appointment and itwas a 20-minute wait,but it’s [to be expectedand] wasn’t too bad. Itwas just like a normaldoctor’s visit,”-Abbigayle Houghton,junior behavioralneuroscience major“It’s been fairly easy [tomake an appointment].Accessing the information is easy. I went tophysical therapy for afew sessions. It’s righthere on campus and theprice is fair,”-Gregory Edwards,senior biology major