What are some Halloween traditions you are practicing this month and what will you be dressed as while doing so?

Mario Lorrimer, business manager, said:

“My family has always been very conservative when it comes to Halloween. So, I don’t have any specific traditions that I practice. One thing I do know is that I love candy, so whatever ends up happening on Halloween will involve as much candy as humanly possible. Then as the night progresses and more ghouls rise, I will sink into the bottomless pit of a candy stomach ache and regret my life choices. Last year, I dressed up as Chuck Bartowski from the show “Chuck.” Dressing up as Chuck was very easy, so I have no idea what I’m going to be this year. I could be a potato or a carrot or even a cabbage. Regardless of what I end up choosing to dress up as, one thing holds true; it will be cost effective.”


Kathleen Crapson, chief of visual design, said:

“To be quite honest, I don’t celebrate Halloween. I never really got the appeal. After years in my childhood where my mom would ‘inspect’ candy, I’ve learned to buy my own Reese’s. So catch me eating Reese’s in my cozy onesie pajamas. But if a neighborhood kid knocks at my door in a cute costume, you can bet that I have non-peanut butter chocolate to share.”


Christana Mclaughlin, co-editor-in-chief, said:

“There aren’t many Halloween traditions that I have, but I always bake the special Pillsbury sugar cookies with the cute pumpkins or ghosts on them and watch Halloween movies on Freeform, previously known as ABC Family. I have to watch ‘Hocus Pocus,’ ‘’The Nightmare Before Christmas,’ the ‘Halloweentown’ series and at least one scary movie for me to qualify it as a good Halloween. This year, I’m feeling like I’m going to be Poison Ivy from the classic ‘Batman & Robin’ or Jigsaw from the ‘Saw’ series.”


Madelyn Rinka, co-editor-in-chief, said:

“Honestly, I don’t really think I have any Halloween ‘traditions.’ I love the holiday and all, but living up north for the first 18 years of my life has made me associate Halloween with haunted hikes, huge corn mazes and cool weather that sends a shiver up my spine. Maybe I’ll try to find some new traditions to start in Florida this year!”


Flor Mireles, copy editor, said:

“While I do not have really any Halloween traditions, I have definitely enjoyed creating spooky book bindings for the folders atop the cabinets of The Current this year. Growing up, some Halloween traditions I practiced included watching ‘The Addams Family’ and ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas,’ as well as making scarily-decorated cupcakes. I have yet to decide on what I want to be for Halloween, but I know it’ll be a DIY costume. Maybe something punny, like a ‘cereal killer’ or a ‘holy cow’ or ‘holy guacamole.’”


Alexander Martinie, opinions editor, said:

“Halloween is the best holiday of all time, and no one can convince me otherwise. I just have a few of the usual Halloween traditions like handing out candy, dressing up, summoning the spirits of my ancestors to rain hellfire on my enemies and, of course, watching ‘Hocus Pocus’ and ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ — you know just normal Halloween things.”


Emma Heineman, features editor, said:

“One of my favorite Halloween traditions has always been to DIY a Halloween costume. When I was younger, my mom, my sister and I would spend weeks leading up to Halloween preparing the perfect costume. I always liked having a unique costume that none of the other people at school or any of my friends had. Now that I’m older, I don’t dress up as much, but it’s still fun to find cute and spooky DIY projects to make during the season.”


Kelsey Bruce, arts and entertainment editor, said:

“I love Halloween, and I think one of my favorite parts is building my costume from within my own wardrobe. It’s fun to throw different pieces together and come up with an outfit that actually resembles a character. Of course, I base a lot of my costume choices on characters who have already inspired my fashion sense and usually, extravagant makeup looks really help pull my disguise together. This year’s plan is Dark Willow from ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer,’ who just requires a lot of black, 90s style clothes and veiny makeup.”

Photo: T. Heftiba

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