Career advice and a pizza slice

On Nov. 20, there will be an exciting opportunity for NSU’s international students! The Office of Career Development is hosting an advice panel for international students seeking jobs and internships. The panel will feature five students who have had success in finding employment and internship opportunities related to their respective fields of study. 


The panelists stem from varying majors ranging from pre-medicine to the arts. The panelists will share the experiences that lead them on their career path in the U.S. Attendees will have an opportunity to publicly ask the panelists questions regarding their stories and experiences. 


“This event was started because we found that it’s sometimes hard to find out what those opportunities are for students who are under CPT [Curricular Practical Training] or OPT [Optional Practical Training] and so we wanted them to be able to connect with students who have found success under those opportunities and help their peers,” explained Meagan Jones, assistant director of Career Advising for the Office of Career Development. Jones described it is a great way for international and domestic students to network with their peers. “Whether you’re a domestic student or international student, I hope the students gain from this opportunity the power of networking… Sometimes in college it’s hard to figure out what that first step is and maybe going to different offices and hearing from professionals may help, but I think that sometimes the most learning comes from hearing it from your peers.” 


This will be the second year that the Office of Career Development is hosting the event. Last year, approximately 60 students attended the event. The office expects the number of attendees to double this year.


Jones explained that “the event will be in Desantis [with] the first hour [being] students hearing from the panel. Students will be able to ask questions and really engage with the panel. Then later, we will have pizza and students will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists one on one and ask questions that way if they’re a little more shy.” 


The panel will allow students to gain knowledge about career opportunities they may have not been privy to. According to Jones, “Two of the students on the panel had internships that turned into full time jobs. So I think it’s really important for students to see that.”

This is truly a chance for students to get guidance in their future career prospects in a relaxed setting allowing for them to absorb the information in an easy way. Career Advice and Pizza Slice will be held in room 3031 on the third floor of the DeSantis building. It will run from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.


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