Why must writing be so hard?

My job mainly deals with writing and coming up with ideas for articles each week, but most of the time, I have no idea what to write about. Right now, I am sitting at my desk, two minutes before this article is supposed to be due, and I have absolutely no idea what to talk about. 


Water Your Thoughts is supposed to be an article that is simple and easy to do. You pick a topic and just ramble on for about 300 words. Normally, I can ramble on about whatever the topic is for hours, but now, that’s a lot more difficult. In today’s world, there is so much going on that figuring out what to talk about is difficult. It is supposed to be like catching a fish in a barrel. Only now, you are also in the barrel and the fish are piranhas. With that in mind, you can see my conundrum. 


Then, there is the issue of repetitive topics. We constantly hear about the pandemic and politics, so I doubt that anyone wants to read more into that. What about… No. Or maybe… Nope. What if we try a face-off? No one wants to write the opposing side. What if I talk about… We wrote about that last issue. How about… That is coming up in the next issue. 


Writing is hard, even when it is your job, and believe me, I love writing. However, some days, it can just be a bit too much. Sometimes, the ideas just don’t flow and you sit at your desk staring at a blank document until you get a small hit of an idea, and then, you lose your train of thought.


Well, it looks like I figured out what to write and I’m only nine minutes past the deadline.

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