Finding Fitness: Jumping rope

In a world where there are many gateways to finding new ways of exercising, I went back to the basics and bought a cheap jump rope to get active.


Jumping rope seems to be one of those exercises that are surprisingly underestimated by many people — and when I say many people, I mean myself.


I searched for different ways to get active without running or biking a large number of miles at a time. I’m someone who enjoys sweating, but will choose any other exercise over a “nice jog,” as many would call it.


I repeatedly saw videos of trainers speaking about the pros of jumping rope and what the benefits are of it. Not expecting to get motivated, I clicked on a quick video.


After watching the video of a trainer explaining how 10 minutes of jumping rope is equivalent to a 30-minute run, I was sold. How could I not pick up a jump rope in exchange for a 30-minute run?


I went to my local Walmart, following CDC guidelines, and picked up a cheap jump rope that I felt would complete the job.


I threw on my workout leggings and sneakers and went outside to start my workout.


After a couple of times of tripping over myself, I finally got the hang of it. I can admit to being my greatest competitor, so I made sure to push through the 10 minutes, no matter how hard it was.


Although the first couple of days of jumping rope were quite challenging, as I built my stamina, this exercise became a lot easier to endure. I noticed myself burning more calories than I ever had during a workout, just within these 10 minutes. Looking at how the sweat and calories proceeded to increase day by day, it encouraged me to keep going and contribute this to my day-to-day activities whenever I had the time.


I would recommend picking up a jump rope at your local Walmart or even on Amazon if you are not as comfortable with going out right now. This cheap workout tool that costs around $4, burns a lot of calories and keeps you motivated. Did I mention that you need only one piece of equipment?


Turn on your favorite playlist and pick up your rope. Watch how fast you will burn calories.

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