Black History Month: Martin Luther King Jr.

It has been 46 years since Carter G. Woodson and Jesse E. Morland co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH) with the purpose of educating and raising awareness about the contributions of Black people in American history.  


Today, after almost 50 years, Negro History Week, an event hosted by ASNLH, has evolved and is now known as Black History Month. Black History Month, held during the month of February, is not only about celebrating those of the Black community who have left their fingerprints in American history, but also to pay tribute to a long list of individuals including Martin Luther King Jr. 


On Jan. 15, 1929, in Georgia, one of the greatest activists and leaders of the civil rights movement was born: Martin Luther King Jr.


King shocked the world more than once, and his speech on the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is proof of it. He was the voice of many people, so it is impossible to talk about him without emphasizing one of his greatest speeches. 


On Aug. 28, 1963, more than 250,000 people attended the March of Washington for Jobs and Freedom with the purpose of advocating for the civil and economic rights of African American people. King gave his notable and historic “I Have A Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The most famous part of it is when King  talks about the America he dreams of. He dreamed of an America in which all people could live like brothers and sisters, he believed and dreamed of an America where freedom and equality are for all and of an America where little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with little White boys and White girls. He believed and dreamed of an America where there was no place for darkness and hate, but love and forgiveness.


The “I Have a Dream” speech is considered one of the greatest speeches of all time,, even after 57 years. The reason why this speech had such an impact on people and in history was because of its message and the dream it introduced to the world, based on love and truth. 


The dream of an America where freedom and love reign was inspiring and encouraging. On Aug. 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. made history. From that moment on, King did not just win the Man of The Year award from Time Magazine in 1964, but also the Nobel Prize.


Charles Zelden, a professor of history and political science at NSU, explained that, “Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the greatest men of all time. His legacy and his desire of a better America will be forever remembered, not only in the U.S., but also globally. His teachings, his way of protesting was nothing different from what Mahatma Gandhi did in India.” 


King was surely one of the most influential people in U.S. history. 


Moreover, Zelden said, “I am in awe of him, his contributions to American history were of a huge impact. What is more important is that his legacy and his way of fighting for civil rights and equality not only set a way of thinking and living for people, but also accomplished huge changes in the U.S. Even after his death, his legacy continues to drive for change.”


Martin Luther King Jr. died from a gunshot in Tennessee in 1968, but his legacy remains. King’s determination for social justice and freedom was incomparable. He received countless threats, was arrested and his house was bombed, but none of this discouraged him. He continued to pursue equality between people by emphasizing non-violent behavior. Martin Luther King Jr. truly left his mark in American history.

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