Finding Fitness: Working out is even better with a partner

Having a workout partner can be life changing. For one, I lack motivation and self discipline when it comes to going to the gym and working out. Before I arrived at college, I played soccer, so I was not in the position I am now. Most days, I find myself stressed about my diet and going to the gym. It has been difficult juggling the college lifestyle because I am not used to not having an eating schedule and doing the same thing every day. 

Being active and eating all the right foods was so easy before; my mom made me home cooked meals that were really good for my body and I was always at soccer practice. I never worried about my weight or about how many calories I was consuming in a day, because I did not have to. Now, it is completely different. I struggle to eat foods that are high in nutrients and most of the food on campus do not appease me. I feel as though I can not go to the gym unless I am fueling my body properly.

Gaining weight has always been hard for me, so I want to focus on weight lifting, but for some odd reason, I have no desire to make going to the gym a priority. I am not sure if it is because I am intimidated by everyone else there or if I fear being judged because, let’s face it, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. 

Either way, all I want is for someone with my same ambition to be my workout partner. According to the American Council of Exercise (ACE), “choosing a partner who you perceive to be a better performer than you could increase your workout time and intensity by as much as 200%”. 

With a workout partner, we would hold each other accountable for our goals, and together, we would make the gym a priority. If I had someone who would challenge me daily, I feel as though I would be much more motivated. I would have a schedule, so, mentally, I would feel like I was getting more out of my day than I am now. I would also be taking time out of my day strictly to eat. 

I keep putting off making a schedule because I feel like it is not worth it or that it is a waste of my time because I am not going to stick with it anyways. Having a workout partner makes working out so much more fun and rewarding. As you are growing both mentally and physically, so does your partner and witnessing these accomplishments truly are life changing, especially knowing that you did it together.

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