NSU admin should inform students more

NSU has taken immense precautions for COVID-19, which is great, but they make these strides and do not communicate with the student body effectively. On occasion, the student body receives an email regarding any COVID-19 updates — a big one being the fact they took away spring break. Their intention behind it was not malice, but now, students have to go 16 weeks straight without a break. 


They sent an email about canceling spring break, but they do not send updates regarding any COVID-19 cases on campus. They sent one email at the beginning of the semester with a sufficient amount of information. We were informed of how many cases there were, testing, vaccinations and protocols for those who tested positive for COVID-19. Seeing that kind of email was a breath of fresh air, and provided some comfort knowing that these safety protocols are paying off. 


However, it would be nice to receive more updates from the administration. I will say they have been providing more updates this semester than they were last semester, but still, not much has changed as we still wear masks and follow the BlendFlex schedule. 


When a case is found on campus, only the floor that the person lives on is notified. More people need to be notified because that person could have walked around campus and interacted with people without knowing they had COVID-19. There is a lack of communication when it comes to administration communicating with the student body. COVID-19 is a virus that is easily spread and can be deadly to some if they are immunocompromised. Therefore, NSU should inform its student body of any on-campus COVID-19 cases to protect its students. If the students have no updates about COVID-19 on campus, then the NSU parents have no updates either. Parents would like to ensure their child’s safety, which is why the administration needs to build a stronger communication system with their student body.


It is understandable that it is hard to make decisions when situations pertaining to COVID-19 are changing in a blink of an eye, but it is important to provide ample time and information for students to make any necessary accommodations. NSU also may be trying to prevent an outbreak of worry from the students and their families when it comes to informing people about COVID-19 cases, but the students have the right to know. It is already scary enough that we are in uncharted waters due to COVID-19, but NSU can at least provide some comfort and knowledge.


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