Internships in a pandemic

As a college student, internships are one of the most important things that you can add to your resume. Internships allow you to experience a career firsthand and learn from those who are in that field. As you go through your time at NSU, depending on your major, you may be expected to complete an internship before you graduate. While it may not be necessary, every student should try to secure an internship while in college. 


EDGE and career advisors

Incoming freshmen, you will be given an EDGE advisor. Incoming students that aren’t freshmen will be given career advisors. EDGE advisors and career advisors are here to help you secure internships and guide you through your career. If you have any questions about your career or internships, they are the people you should speak to. To find out who your career or EDGE advisor is, you can call 954-262-7990. 


Emilio Lorenzo, NSU’s associate director of Employer Relations, oversees the internship opportunities for students.  

“The best advice I can give an incoming student is to meet with your career advisor or EDGE advisor in the Center for Academic and Professional Success, or CAPS. They can coach you on how to approach the internship process,” said Lorenzo.

If you are still unsure about what you want to do, an internship can be one of the best ways for you to know if that career is for you. 



Handshake is an imperative tool that you will use throughout your time at NSU. Handshake is a site and app that you will find internship opportunities on. 

“Handshake is the one-stop-shop for your career needs. The great thing about Handshake is it isn’t just a local search, but also a national search for internships. Students can use Handshake to help them get internships across the country. If a student knows they will be in New York for the summer, they can specifically search for that on Handshake,”said Lorenzo. 


Additionally, freshmen will need to use Handshake to sign up for their Early Immersion, an opportunity to experience a profession of your choice for a day. Your Early Immersion is a large portion of your grade for UNIV 1000, so getting familiar with Handshake is essential.


On-campus internships: NSU’s Division of Clinical Operations

If you want to be an intern on campus, NSU has a myriad of places that you can intern for. NSU’s Division of Clinical Operations is just one of the places on campus that allow students to intern for them.


Nicole Osorio, a junior finance major with a psychology minor, is an intern with NSU’s Division of Clinical Operations. Osorio found out about the internship through Handshake, a site and app that helps college students find internships and jobs. 

“I was searching for internships in my area and saw NSU’s Division of Clinical Operations. I did my research and liked the internship’s description. I applied, and about a week later, they reached out to me and asked me for an interview,” said Osorio. 


Osorio says she has learned a lot from being an intern with NSU’s DCO. “I’m seeing things that I have learned in class be applied to the real world. I’m understanding these concepts even more.” 

You can learn more by visiting or by contacting the Center for Academic and Professional Success at 954-262-7201 or

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