Underrated Halloween movies

Halloween is creeping around the corner and people are preparing for the month of festivities, whether it be listening to spooky Halloween playlists and pumpkins or having ghosts scattered across people’s lawns. Of course, you can’t leave out those nights where you microwave a bag of popcorn, get your friends together and watch a great Halloween movie. There are the classics such as “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and “Halloween,” but what are some movies that go under the radar? Here are some movies that can be terrifying or hilarious, based around the spookiest holiday of the year. 


Trick R Treat 

On the scarier side of this list is “Trick R Treat,” a movie sure to give you creeps. The movie revolves around several different scary stories, one of which is a child with a burlap sack around his head who is terrorizing a hermit in his home. This is only one of the stories of the five creepy tales that are showcased in this bone-chilling film. The other stories include teacher serial killers, teenage pranks gone too far and what happens when a couple blows out a jack o lantern before midnight. 


Scary Movie 

“Scary Movie” is sure to have you laughing out loud. This movie is a parody of multiple classic horror films, such as “Scream” and “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” This movie completely mock and exaggerates common horror movie tropes and cliches. There are pop culture references left and right, making for a hilarious turn of events. With actors known for their comedies such as Anna Faris and Marlon Wayans, you won’t get bored with this movie. 


Monster House 

“Monster House’ is an animated movie where a group of kids theorizes that a house on their block contains an evil beast that wants to harm kids on Halloween. Through hijinks and classic kid ideas, they plan on figuring out how to stop the beast. Of course no adults believe them, so they must rely on themselves. While you probably recognize this title, the flick does not get the credit it deserves. It is a perfect mixture of comedy and horror. The film isn’t exactly terrifying, but it definitely has its eerie moments and quite a lot of jump scares. 


Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the WereRabbit 

While this animation style is creative, it is a tad bit creepy. “Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the WereRabbit” utilizes the animation style of claymation. The film’s characters are made of clay, and the animation is simply the claying being shaped across different shots to appear as if it was moving. Some people find this style to be unsettling, which is perfect for a Halloween movie. The film revolves around the disappearance of vegetables from the town’s farms, and people reporting sightings of a monster stealing them. Wallace and Gromit are tasked with finding and capturing the monster. 

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