Underrated Halloween movies

Halloween is creeping around the corner and people are preparing for the month of festivities, whether it be listening to spooky Halloween playlists and pumpkins or having ghosts scattered across people’s lawns. Of course, you can’t leave out those nights where you microwave a bag of popcorn, get your friends together and watch a great Halloween movie. There are the classics such […]

Gill out: Quarterdeck Restaurants

Searching for restaurants, Quarterdeck caught my eye as their menu looked very appetizing.   When I arrived, the customer service was overall good. The waitress wasted no time asking us for our orders and did not mind that my friend had to ask questions because of her peanut allergy. The waitress was exceedingly kind. It took a bit of time for the check to arrive at our table, but she was very nice about it and apologized […]