Water your thoughts: Why are inappropriate relationships in teen dramas normal?

We all have heard or watched shows such as Riverdale, Gossip girl and Pretty Little Liars. These shows do not tend to show the best depiction of teens and their struggle through high school. Now many will think this is TV. It is meant to be fiction, and it is only for entertainment. The problem rises when TV shows display an underage student and a teacher have an open relationship or presenting an abusive relationship to be romantic. While this can happen in real life it does not make it appropriate, while TV shows could tackle these types of difficult issues and demonstrate the negative effects, it is turned into a love story.  

These tropes exhibiting teen partying, drinking and other inappropriate plotlines, even show supposed high school students rarely attend school. These plotlines in teen dramas tend to be overlooked due that the actors playing these characters are on their twenties, therefore many watching tend to forget these characters are supposed to be fourteen- to seventeen-year-olds.   

I am not saying that all teen dramas should always be realistic but be mindful of the things they tend to normalize or glamorize.  

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