It’s never too early for Christmas

Christmas is a favored holiday for many people because when it comes to holiday cheer, Christmas is about having a giving spirit. Many have a passion for this time of year not only in December, but also year-round.  

The question arises of whether or not it’s too early to celebrate the Christmas season. Given Christmas’s fond nature and exceptional presence I believe it is not too early for Christmas.  

When it comes to Christmas music, food, movies and gift-giving, it’s the holiday that we think about all the time, and for many we will always celebrate non-stop. Sometimes we have a craving for comforting Christmas movies that make us feel at home, or even music that is catchy and fun to sing along to. 

Some individuals celebrate Christmas as their only holiday in December, which is the why many want to celebrate it early. It is a cultural factor that relates back to how certain groups will only celebrate certain holidays. 

Many have personal experiences and deep connections that relate to Christmas’s individuality. I have found myself replaying old home movies during Christmas because it is the only time of year where my family drops everything to just spend quality time with one another. Also, some of the earliest memories of my childhood have taken place during Christmas, which makes me very fond of the holiday itself.   

The rush of looking for Santa’s Christmas gifts under the tree or baking endless treats with my mom was a monumental part of my childhood. Looking back now as we grow older, I finally understand that in life we shouldn’t take those things for granted, especially the time with loved ones and the Christmas cheer that surrounds the precious holiday to all ages.  

It isn’t just about gift-giving or the movies we looked up to during our adolescence. It is about the spirit that ignites in our hearts when we think about Christmas and what the holiday personally means to us. In a world where tragedy strikes often, Christmas all year round helps create an environment full of enjoyment.  

Overall, Christmas is a time of year full of love, joy and spirit that makes the world a happier place. I would say it’s never too early to celebrate, and as creative individuals of the world, we have the right to decide when we want to celebrate holidays that truly mean everything to us. 

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