Holiday events to make the season jolly

The most wonderful time of the year is here once again. The holidays are an eventful time. Preparing food, buying gifts, decorating the house and planning family gatherings. With all the planning, we forget what the holidays really are about: spending time with those we love. South Florida offers plenty of local holiday events that […]

Sustainability Tip of the Week: Thirsty?

Plastic water bottles are a huge source of pollution and waste, and the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) reports that currently only 30.8 percent of bottles are being recycled in the U.S. When people are out and about, it’s hard to find recycling bins, and many of them end up in the ocean. […]

The best safety apps

When you think of things that can keep you safe, you may think of pepper spray or even a pocket knife, but what about your phone? If there’s one thing that college students love doing, it’s going out. And college kids never go anywhere without their phones. Whether it’s going to a club, a party […]

Diary of … a student who gives back

Christa Barone is a junior communication studies major who is minoring in marine biology. Her dream is to swim with great white sharks and she is a member of FitWell. Her hobbies include taking photographs, working out and fishing. At 3-years-old, my life turned upside down. I went from playing with my brother in the […]

Give thanks and give back

The smell of a juicy roast turkey and green bean casserole fills the air;  Thanksgiving is around the corner. Thanksgiving is a time of reflection on what you’re most thankful for and a day to spend with family and friends. However, instead of showing your gratitude by gorging yourself on cornbread, stuffing and creamy mashed […]