Weight a minute

January is National Healthy Weight Awareness Month. According to nationaleatingdisorders.org, over 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from clinical eating disorders in the U.S., so body image is certainly a topic worthy of address. Body image is a delicate topic that, for some reason in our society, is too often discussed. We allow […]

YouTube challenges aren’t all fun and games

Social media has transitioned from an outlet of social interaction to a parasite that is negatively shaping the behavior of both the youth and adult populations.  Since when is intentionally harming yourself or others an appropriate trend? Every month it’s something new, whether it’s swallowing cinnamon, lighting yourself on fire, putting salt and ice on […]

Shark Speak for January 19, 2016

President Hanbury will host a town hall meeting this week to address student questions and concerns. How do you think NSU could be improved?   “I think that when a class is closed because the seating is full that there should be a waiting list created for students who would still like to take the […]

New year, same you

Lose weight, find a boyfriend, get a better job; all of these have been one of my New Year’s resolutions at one point or another; however, just like for many others, my ambition to keep these resolutions typically dies off around mid-February, leaving my resolutions as a distant memory until Jan. 1 of the next […]

Shark Speak for January 12, 2016

How do you think NSU could improve its retention rates?   “I was going to transfer out my freshman year, but I got more involved with student organizations and stayed. I feel like those students that leave want to be involved. So by promoting student organizations.” — Tiffany Kelly, senior sport and recreation management major […]

White has its privileges

Our social media platforms and television screens have been inundated with news and imagery of minorities being savagely attacked or even killed by those who are supposed to protect and defend them. Racial discrimination is prevalent in our society, and even though we have elected a black president, nothing has changed since Obama was sworn […]

And the miserablest country in the world is…

The Huffington Post reported that the annual WIN/Gallup International Association global end-of-the-year survey found that Colombia is the happiest country of the world with 87 percent of Colombian participants answering that they were happy with their lives. A arbitrary and non-partisan research and polling company conducted a survey of 80,445 people from 65 countries and […]

She’s too young for you, bro

It’s no secret that people tend to judge those closest to them the harshest when it comes to controversial topics because the actions of family, friends and neighbors tend have a more direct effect. So in the case of underage dating, one might be quicker to scold his or her relative than to frown upon […]