Commencement is too big for our campus

It’s Commencement Day. Cloaked in a navy gown, you slightly adjust the placement of your cap and tassel and proudly arrange your pins and medals, symbols of your hard work and dedication, as you line up to walk on stage. This is a day of celebration; you had countless sleepless nights, emotional breakdowns and thoughts […]

Humans, the only selfish predators

Kill or be killed. That’s the type of world we live in, and, unfortunately, 150 to 200 plant, insect, bird and mammal species go extinct every day, according to the UN Environment Programme. We are experiencing Earth’s sixth mass extinction. Extinctions are caused by many factors, among them global warming, a human cause, and natural […]

Shark Speak: April 21, 2015

What is the most important lesson you learned this year at NSU?   “The importance of communicating with people from different cultures.” Emma Wahlstrom, sophomore business administration major   “Don’t procrastinate with your work.” Kendall Mockbridge, sophomore marine biology major   “Learning to balance your extracurricular activities with your school and actually finding time to […]

Making us smarter

In a video on YouTube titled “Look Up,” filmmaker Gary Turk encourages viewers to “look up” from their phones so they don’t miss what life has to offer. In spoken word poetry, Turk talks about how lonely we are together, how he can’t stand the sound of a quiet train where no one is talking […]

Save the sweatpants

Sweatpants are a growing trend in college campuses across the country. They’ve always been considered appropriate attire exclusively for bed or lying about. The casual nature of the warm, safe, loose-fitting comfort garment has sparked a debate of the appropriateness and possible detriment to students who choose to wear them to class. The main dispute in the sweatpants pandemic is whether they have […]

Stop rape by not raping

According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, in the U.S., about 3 percent of men and 16 percent of women have been the victims of attempted or completed rape; 2.78 million men are victims of sexual assault or rape, and — drum roll, please — 17.7 million women have been sexually assaulted or […]

Shark Speak: April 14, 2015

Earth Day is April 22. How do you think NSU be more environmentally friendly? “NSU should have more gardens to help organic life and the bee population, which everyone is talking about.” Sabaiyale Janjua, sophomore biology major “By having a more eco-friendly shuttle bus service.” Christian Almeida, sophomore biology major “By having more recycling bins, […]

Nipples, periods and pubic hair

The title of this article was probably startling to read, but why? What is it about the words “nipples,” “period” and “pubic hair” that is offensive? All relate to the human body, more specifically a female human body. Recently, Rupi Kaur, a well-known poet with more than 167,000 Instagram followers, posted a picture to represent […]