Shark Speak: April 7, 2015

The Non-Attendance Drop Policy, found in the Student Enrollment Agreement, drops students from a course if they miss class during the first week of the term. Were you aware of this policy? How do you feel about it? “I was not aware of this policy, and I don’t think it’s fair. Things can happen on […]

The patriarchy is not dead

The traditional 1950s-esque patriarchal relationship in which a woman’s only allowed ambition was to be the perfect wife — a silent, submissive, beautiful shell of a person who waits on her husband hand and foot — is long gone. Or, is it? When we analyze how far romantic relationships have come since the mid-20th century, […]

Shark Speak: April 1, 2015

For the first time, commencement ceremonies will be on campus at the Don Taft University Center. Previously, commencement ceremonies were held at the BB&T Center. Would you prefer to graduate on campus or at the BB&T Center? Why?   “I’d prefer BB&T because, even though it’s a longer drive, graduation is a special event, and […]

$55, plus tax and humiliation

It’s so hard for women to get contraceptives when men can walk in to any supermarket or drug store and pick up condoms — without feeling guilty or ashamed — or find a place where they are given out for free, such as a school clinic. For example, any male at NSU can go to […]

Shark Speak: March 24, 2015

“It’s Women’s History Month! How do you define feminism?”   “It is equality for both sexes. At first, I thought it was just about women and their rights, but I’ve learned that it is actually for both sexes and not just women.” Ashley Lonergan, junior biology major “Feminism means equal opportunity for all genders in […]

Roasting is glorified bullying

Roasting is the modern equivalent of the medieval public flogging. And, by roasting, I don’t mean to slow cook in the oven, although the process and end result is essentially the same: the subject is put on fire and emerges fully-cooked at the expense of ravenous bystanders. We love to hate others, especially celebrities whose […]

Shark Speak: March 17, 2015

What has been your experience with the Office of Student Financial Assistance? What do you think can be improved? “I’ve had a pretty good experience with them. Usually, I get what I need to do done when I go to the One-Stop Shop. Sometimes, I feel like I don’t know what I need to do. […]

One-Stop flop

I’m lucky enough to have most of my tuition covered by financial aid. Without financial aid, some of us admittedly couldn’t even dream of attending NSU. As a private university, NSU is as expensive as it gets ― you’ll be lucky to keep your arms and legs after Razor’s done with you. But why, I […]