Need elective ideas for next semester? Look no further

There are hundreds of courses listed for next semester, but what student has time to look through them all? Oh, wait, that would be me. I searched to find you the most exciting electives for next semester and here they are.

If you’re creative, you can take Introduction to Drawing, Digital Photography or Graphic Design I next semester. In Intro to Drawing, you will develop your drawing skills and learn how to use various studio materials and drawing techniques. This class is also a prerequisite for other courses, like Life Drawing.

In Digital Photography, you’ll learn the basic principles of photography and digital imaging, like the effect of the shutter and aperture, exposure and camera operation. You’ll need a DSLR camera, and if you already have one, this class will help you hone your craft.

Graphic Design I is an intro course that teaches students current industry-standard software and technology, design aesthetics and historical and conceptual issues.

If you like to shake your groove “thang,” beginning dance classes like Ballet I, Jazz Dance I, and Modern Dance I are for you. No prerequisites are required for these classes, but loving dance is an obvious must. These three courses are also prerequisites for classes in the future so if you want to take a dance class every semester, start now.

If you want to dive right into the Humanities, you can take The Vampire, Asian Thought or American Transcendentalism. In The Vampire, you’ll learn about the development of the vampire tradition, artistic representations of the vampire and explanations of the phenomenon. In Asian Thought, you’ll learn about religious and philosophical systems of Asia, like karma, reincarnation and the paths of enlightenment. In American Transcendentalism, you’ll learn about this movement in the U.S. and the geographical and philosophical ideas that framed the movement.

If you want to expose yourself to different topics, try Introduction to Film, Introduction to Gerontology or Introduction to Urban Studies. In Introduction to Film, you’ll learn film history and technological, aesthetic and social elements of film. In Introduction to Gerontology, you’ll learn about the aging demographic,and health care. In Introduction to Urban Studies, you’ll learn about urban life in America and Canada and how the city is important to modern existence.

If you’ve always wanted to play an instrument or learn how to sing, Piano I, Beginning Guitar Class and Beginning Voice are the classes for you. In Piano I, you’ll develop keyboard proficiency while learning about aural and written theory. In Beginning Guitar Class, you’ll learn basic rhythmic patterns, scales, standard chord sequences and progressions for an electric or acoustic guitar player. In Beginning Voice, you’ll develop fundamental vocal skills and techniques.

If you’ve always had a desire to act, Acting I, Performance for Film and Television and Voice and Movement are the classes for you. In Acting I, you’ll learn fundamental acting skills and techniques. In Performance for Film and Television, you’ll learn how to perform for a film, television or broadcasting field. In Voice and Movement, you’ll study techniques like breathing and stage blocking, to develop a cohesive voice and movement skill.

No matter what interests you have, NSU has a great selection of courses for next semester. Don’t be scared to take a class you know nothing about because you may find something you love.

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