Water Your Thoughts: ‘Automatic’ doors should open automatically

NSU students are opinionated about all kinds of things, from universal social issues to NSU-specific concerns. Sometimes, however, we Sharks just need to rant about the smaller things in life to let off some steam.  In this column, The Current asks: water your thoughts?

In general, I ask for very little. I don’t complain often about having back-to-back classes in different buildings or that I can never get a semester without a morning class. But I’m drawing the line at what the university claims are “automatic doors.”

Those stickers are all over campus — you see them more than you see advertising for events. It seems like only a handful of the doors actually open automatically; I thank Alvin Sherman for those every day. The rest you’re expected to pry open with whatever strength you’re able to muster like a starved mole rat trying to lift the lid off a pothole. It feels like those doors weigh three tons more than normal, so I don’t dangle the hope that they might open themselves in front of me. That’s just cold.

I don’t care that I have to open the door; I’m not that self-entitled. But, for the sake of all that is Carl Desantis or Don Taft, can we just take the stupid stickers off the door so that I don’t get my hopes up every time I’m late for my 9 a.m. class?

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