More than just letters: Defining LGBT+

Four months after the Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage, the world celebrates LGBT History Month. During this month, people remember and pay tribute to the former and current advocates of the LGBT community, such as Carol Speser, organizer of the first outdoor pride celebration and Ellen Degeneres, the first openly lesbian actress to play […]

Home is closer than you think

The legalization of same sex marriage over the summer was a milestone in LGBT+ history. Yet, even with such a major accomplishment, when it comes to everyday social experiences, many members of the LGBT+ community do not have somewhere to go where they feel safe and free from judgement. For those that identify with the […]

Success Coach: Learning when to say ‘no’

My name is April Coan, and I am an academic success coach and the assistant director at the Office of Undergraduate Student Success. Throughout the fall semester, I will offer tips and suggestions in The Current, which will focus on topics like success in college and taking advantage of the unique opportunities available at NSU. […]

Five things you should know about breast cancer

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is about more than just wearing pink; it’s about supporting all those affected by it. Therefore, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is about informing the population about this disease that will likely affect […]

Traveler’s Checklist

Traveling outside of the country is a drastic change for anyone, especially if it is his or her first time. As a college student, the thought of your first trip to a new country can be a little nerve-wracking. So to make your trip a bit less stressful and a lot safer, here are a […]

You flunked your midterm, what’s next?

Whether you spent the past six weeks preparing or just opened your textbook for the first time the night before, failing a midterm can happen to anyone.  So after receiving a low grade, keep in mind that you have only lost one battle, not the war, and by following some simple tips, you will do […]

Excellence looks good on you

Oftentimes, our greatest efforts go unnoticed, so when you receive an invitation to join one of NSU’s prestigious Honor Societies, make sure to take this opportunity seriously. If you are not sure why an invite to an Honor Society is a major accomplishment, let’s break it down. An honor society is an academic organization that […]

Free speech 101: Celebrating Free Speech Week

School systems often prohibit speech that is considered anti-Semitic or anti-Arab in order to ensure that students are not discriminated against or deprived of equal access to educational opportunity. However, that does not mean that students are prohibited from expressing criticism towards foreign countries, even if their beliefs are graphic or offensive. “There is a […]