Letter to the Editor

The Current’s Submission Policy

The Current welcomes Letters to the Editor, opinion pieces and commentaries from the NSU community under the following guidelines:

Persons providing submissions must provide the following information: (from the NSU community) full name, year, major, department, position at the university (if applicable), NSU ID number, and phone number/email address where the writer may be reached; (from the public) full name, affiliation to the university, email address and phone number where the writer may be reached. This information is for verification purposes and will not be published with the letter (except for the full name, year, major/department/position at the university).

Anonymous letters to the editor will not be published. However, anonymous letters may be published if the content of the letter provides pertinent information to the NSU community and places the writer in jeopardy. Publication of such letters will be at the discretion of the editorial board. In the instance that the letter is to be published, it should be signed by the writer as “identity withheld.” We do not publish letters of any kind submitted by proxy or on someone’s behalf.

Submissions should be within the following word limits: letters to the editor – no more than 350 words; opinion pieces and commentaries – no more than 600 words. Submissions should be sent to nsunews@nova.edu.

Submissions must be timely. A person is limited to submitting one letter to the editor per month.

Submissions should be of general public interest. We do not publish submissions that are strictly personal, including but not limited to letters about damaged or missing property or pets, consumer complaints, or letters dealing solely with personal religious beliefs.

All submissions will be edited for clarity, accuracy, conciseness, grammar and punctuation, proper use of the English language, and civility, without the writer’s consent.

The Current reserves the right not to publish submissions which contain: vulgarity, racial slurs, criminal accusations and/or of the public in general.

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