Why Valentine’s Day is special to me

From kindergarten to 5th grade, Valentine’s Day was about love — a love of candy, that is. Which classmate brought the best goods? Whose mom was making the whole class go on a diet and only sent her son with mints? Seriously, Justin, Pokémon cards again? These were the questions that filled my mind and […]

The good side of pro wrestling

When many people think of professional wrestling, they think of violence, a mindless form of television or a product that degrades women. But, unless you have been a dedicated fan for most of your life, you do not realize that there is so much more to wrestling than these assumptions of pure brutality.

The decline of the liberal arts

According to the U.S. Department of Education, participation in liberal arts classes has decreased at colleges and universities across the country over a decade. Students now are seeking a degree in majors that they hope will launch them into skill-specific careers, like medicine or engineering.