Fatherless America – Another take

Governor Mitt Romney has projected several controversial comments throughout his presidential campaign, one of which arose during the second presidential debate. When moderator Candy Crowley asked Romney about “assault weapons that were once banned and are no longer banned”, Romney’s intent to veer off of answering the question brought up an out-of-context remark. Romney said, […]

What a nobel shame

This year, the Norwegian Nobel Committee once again shocked the world in its selection of a winner for the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize Award. The committee said that the selection was made in recognization of the EU “uniting the continent of Europe in the commitment to the advancement of peace, reconciliation and human rights.”

Online classes: not for the faint of heart

If you are like me, then an online class, at first thought, seems like an easier, more convenient option that will save you time and effort, compared to a traditional face-to-face course. However, after taking several online classes, I found that online classes are more work, give me additional anxiety, increase my stress, and are […]