The Apple Inc. nightmare

Apple Inc. is one of the few companies that cannot be treated indifferently; it makes people love or hate it. It’s pretty hard to avoid an Apple product these days. Every other person seems to have an iPhone or an iPad. I will not be one of them.

Time for Big Bird to leave the nest

Like anyone who feels entitled, if you want to hear some squealing from Big Bird, all you have to do is hint that, after decades of being on the government dole,  maybe it’s time to get off the taxpayer teat and take care of yourself.  Heaven forbid. After all, it’s hard out there for a […]

A family searches for their son

Christian Aguilar, 18, was last seen Sept. 20 with Pedro Bravo, a close friend and former Doral Academy Preparatory School classmate who attends nearby Sante Fe College. Bravo was arrested Sept. 24, and charged with depriving a crime victim of medical treatment and attempted murder. He told police that he and Aguilar had fought and he left Aguilar bloody and barely breathing.

Midterm Madness

It’s that time again – The part of the semester that falls between the beginning and the end. Yeah, you know what it is. Some of you dread it. Some of you avoid it but it’s midterm time. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for midterms.

Parking Wars

Every morning it’s a battle.

It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is during the fall semester, it’s the same old thing. What am I talking about? Finding a parking space on campus.

Reality “wives”

Watching a couple of the “wives” in Love and Hip Hop, Mob Wives, Housewives of Whatever city, I am disgusted at the level of entitlement that these women exhibit. There is no feminism on these shows, and there are so many women willing to compromise their morals to remain in the industry and be on TV.