Finding Fitness: CrossFit

Crossfit is probably one of the most debated fitness activities that has divided fitness fanatics all around the world. This high-intensity training fitness regime, created in 2000 by Greg Glassman, incorporates elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, calisthenics, strongman and many more training methods. Glassman, a former gymnast, developed this activity […]

Finding Fitness: BattleRope burn

As high intensity workouts and functional training are becoming more and more popular, there are many different types of workout methods to try in order to find the one that fits you. I just discovered one of them: BattleRope burn training. As a fitness junkie, when I heard NSU was offering this class I didn’t […]

Finding Fitness: Pole Dancing

Pole Fitness is one of the hottest new trends on the block. Pole Dancing, which is typically associated with gentlemen’s clubs and other erotic dance venues, is turning over a new leaf as a fun, refreshing way to work out. Studio 595 in Davie is an alternative fitness studio which combines multiple aerial style fitness […]