Letter to the Editor


“Vampires on campus”

Everyday when I walk to DeSantis I have to dodge the people harassing me to give blood. It never fails they are always out there offering you FREE anything in exchange for your blood. I understand that the blood is necessary and that there is a need, but is it really necessary for them to be out there everyday? I walk past the same set of three rotating people on a weekly basis and every time they walk with me and tell me of the need for blood, and I explain that I am not interested. Then comes the guilt trip… of how I could save lives of innocent children or car crash victims and how I CAN make a difference, how it only takes a few minutes. Pretty much anything else they can use to try and sell you on the idea of them sticking a needle in your arm and taking some blood. Feeling weak and possibly even getting sick or passing out is completely okay because, hey you’re making a difference in the world.

I am not knocking the cause; I am all for donating blood. The problem is that they are relentless. I get asked the same question at least four times a day when I am walking to class. It’s like one of those telemarketers but in this case you do not have the option to hang up the phone. There is really only one way to walk into DeSantis and there they are camped out and ready to strike in hopes of someone being weak enough to finally give in and go into their cave…I mean blood mobile.

– Ashley

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