Shark Speak: If money wasn’t an issue and you could do anything you wanted for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

“Travel and backpack all around the world.”–Linea Cutter, senior history and political science major

“Work on cars and play basketball.”–Tyrel Gordon, junior biology major


“I would probably either be a farmer or a poet [to be] in touch with nature and the humanities and focus on what’s really important in life, which is flourishing.”–Derek Herkes, osteopathic medicine student


“I would build orphanages in primarily Africa and in America too and then oversee them for the rest of my life. I’ve worked in orphanages before and I love it.”– Rachel Salveson, senior biology major


“I’d want to be a chef. I really enjoy cooking but I don’t really have time to do that right now. Over the summer, I cooked a lot and I liked experimenting and making my own dishes.”–Hiba Bilal, osteopathic medicine student


“I would want to build an amusement park. It sounds like fun. It’s a big project and you oversee.”–Katie Pope, senior biology major

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