Water your thoughts: Driving the wrong way

NSU students are opinionated about all kinds of things, from universal social issues to NSU-specific concerns. Sometimes, however, we Sharks just need to rant about the smaller things in life to let off some steam.  In this column,  The Current asks: water your thoughts?

Don’t you just hate it when you have to circle a parking lot for several minutes – especially here at NSU when you’re trying to get to class – looking for a spot, and then eventually become the creepy person stalking pedestrians who seem to be heading to their cars? Then, you were to find a spot just a few short yards in front of you, your heart soaring with relief, only to have that spot taken a moment before you get to it by someone going the wrong way and driving against traffic? Would that not be infuriating? Why do people insist on driving the wrong way in “one way” lanes?

I don’t care how empty you think the parking garage is, you never know when someone – driving in the correct direction – will be turning around the corner. It doesn’t take much longer to make the loop around the parking garage to drive the correct way, so why take the chance? It takes double the time to drive against traffic and then have to back up when you almost run into a car you didn’t think would be there – so why drive the wrong way in the first place? Don’t be the jerk that cuts someone off while driving in the wrong direction; that’s two offenses in one and it’s doubly irritating. Everyone should just follow the rules of the road and we’d all get to our destinations in one piece, and probably in much better moods. But, I guess those are just my thoughts.

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