Knowing when to change Majors

When choosing their major, many students don’t think about it as a process they will ever have to go through again. But some students eventually discover that the major they chose just isn’t for them. There are numerous options in choosing a major and finding the best fit can be a daunting task. If you are thinking about switching and are stressed out about this topic, then hopefully reading this will help guide you in the right direction.

There is going to a moment in your academic career when you are studying for an exam at 3:30 a.m. and you are contemplating every decision in your life. One of those decisions is going to be your major choice, and the other is going to be about your last Starbucks order. In that sleep-deprived moment, it may seem like switching majors is the only savior in life. You shouldn’t want to your change major just because classes are getting difficult. Not performing well can be a factor in your reasoning to switch, but it shouldn’t be the primary reason. There are numerous topics to consider when changing major. You should evaluate what career goals and evaluate what major can help you achieve those goals. If you don’t know exactly what your career goals are, then figure out what careers align with your passions. If you need any help with figuring out the best major for your career, talking with an advisor from the Career Development office can be a great resource. But always remember that a major is not a career contract. If you are undecided about switching majors, then make a pros and cons list. Before you begin the process of switching, make sure you are secure in your decision.

As someone who has switched majors many times before, I can tell you that switching majors is a big step, but it isn’t the only step. It is always best to switch majors as soon as reasonably possible. Switching majors late in your education can prolong your undergraduate experience. But switching majors late in the game doesn’t mean that it is the end of the world. There are definitely possibilities that you could still graduate on time. Also, do a little bit of research to see if any of the class requirements from your previous major are similar to the ones of your new major. For example, many STEM majors share a few math classes, resulting in a slightly easier transition. The most important step in switching majors is to make an appointment with your academic advisor. This step is very important because you do have to fill out some paperwork to officially switch majors. Your academic advisor can help plan out your schedule for your new major. Make sure to tackle your list of prerequisites first because you don’t want to sign up for classes later in the future only to find out you can’t take certain classes yet. Overall, be proactive in the process of switching majors because it is going to be beneficial in the future.

Deciding to switch majors can be very stressful, but don’t worry because there are countless people who are in your shoes. Again, remember that your current major isn’t a lifelong career commitment. Our passions and goals are always evolving, so don’t be surprised if your career goals change as well.

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