Notorious RGB: A movie review of “RBG”

“I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks,” said Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg quoting Sarah Grimke. For years, Justice Ginsburg has been a vocal and integral member of the Supreme Court. Justice Ginsburg has gone beyond the courtroom and become, what some would consider, to be an icon in popular culture. “It’s an amazing thing to see somebody in her eighties become such an icon,” said Nina Totenberg, a correspondent for NPR.

To start off, if Ruth Bader Ginsburg ever needed anything —  ever — I would drop everything and give her my full attention. She needs a kidney? Done; she can have both of mine. She needs a heart? Cut me open and take mine. Anything that keeps her on the Supreme Court, I would do. With her recent health concerns, the movie “On the Basis of Sex” and the documentary “RGB” depicting her life, Justice Ginsburg has received a lot of attention in the past few months.

Directed by Julie Cohen and Betsy West, “RBG” is an inspiring documentary that follows Justice Ginsburg’s rise to the highest court in the U.S. This documentary showcases how Justice Ginsburg has fought for gender equality since she attended law school in the 1950s at both Columbia and Cornell.

Justice Ginsburg is an inspiration, and this documentary shows it. At 85, Justice Ginsburg is still going strong, even with the opposition calling for her retirement. Justice Ginsburg has truly earned her nickname: the Notorious RBG.

“RBG” is an amazing film that has a great balance of seriousness and humor that perfectly captures the Justice Ginsburg’s essence and personality. The New York Times called RBG “a jaunty assemblage of interviews, public appearances and archival material, organized to illuminate the temperament of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her accomplishments so far.”  I wholeheartedly agree with this review. Justice Ginsburg’s personality is highlighted accurately and in a way that shows why she is considered to be an icon.

“RBG” combines a personality profile with a biography for a hilarious yet informative documentary. Earning a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, “RBG” is a must-see documentary for all those looking for inspiration. For a more in-depth look at the life of Justice Ginsburg, many reviewers have suggested reading” Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg” by Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik. The Coral Gables Art Cinema will be showing “RBG” on Feb. 25 and 26.

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