Finding Fitness: Agility ladder

People exercise in many different ways. Some like to run, while others like to walk. Some prefer yoga or lifting heavy weights, but not many people know the benefits of using an agility ladder. 

Yes, this may sound unnecessary if you don’t consider yourself an athlete, but this tool can be used beyond the sports fields. Agility ladders are known for helping an individual’s speed, agility and their overall quickness. 

You may ask yourself, “Why would this be important?” After speaking with a trainer here at NSU he puts his thoughts behind the agility ladder “This tool is important when it comes to improving performance, speed, balance and agility,” said Trey Meagher. The agility ladder is used to help strengthen tendons, ligaments and joints in someone’s body. This is important because young athletes are more prone to ACL tears and other tears related to the knee and the agility ladder strengthens those parts of the knees. So, next time you go to block a pass or make a sharp turn, you won’t be sitting on the bench for the next nine months. 

Many individuals believe running will improve their speed. Although this is true, incorporating the agility ladder can improve quickness for those times when one may be sprinting or playing a sport where they need that extra boost. 

The agility ladder is an important tool when it comes to the brain as well. When someone is focusing on the movements of their exercise with the ladder, their brain is working, too. It allows for the brain to gain knowledge and send signals to other parts of the body. The brain is wired in so many different ways that working out might be the last thing we are thinking about when it comes to improving it. 

The ladder has so many benefits that I don’t know why it wouldn’t be used. Next time you or a friend goes to the sports store, think about picking up a ladder. It is a great tool to add into your everyday workout routine to improve a variety of factors. 

“I think it is an important tool to incorporate with any workout. Even once a week will switch things up and focus on not only performance but other aspects as well. Balance and agility are just as important as strength and power,” said Meagher.

Just think; while you are burning calories, you are also helping strengthen tendons and ligaments in your body and improving your brain health. It’s a win, win.

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