Spice up your PBJ sandwiches this National PBJ Day

Peanut butter and jelly (PBJ) sandwiches are something many of us have eaten since we were kids. Whether we ate them in school or had them prepared by a parent for snack time, there’s just something about the classic PBJ that is comforting. April 2 marks National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, and there’s no better way to celebrate than by eating one of these iconic sandwiches. Have you grown tired of the simple PBJ? Keep reading to see some ways you can spice up your sandwich. 


Peanut butter and jelly a la waffle 

If you’ve got a waffle maker, you can spice up your PBJ sandwiches by turning them into PBJ waffles. Whether you want to make waffles and slather some peanut butter and jelly on top or just want to press your sandwich in the waffle maker, the choice is yours. Just remember to drizzle some honey over it to add a little extra flavor. 


The fraternal twin: Almond butter and honey

Want a PBJ sandwich, but are seeking a healthier alternative? Try almond butter and honey instead. Almond butter is more nutritious than it’s peanut counter and honey typically has less sugar than jelly. If you want to add in another element that still makes your sandwich healthy, add slices of banana to your sandwich for added flavor, texture and sweetness. 


Peanut butter and jelly a la tortilla

If you don’t have a waffle maker but have tortillas from making quesadillas a few days ago, use them to make a PBJ wrap or peanut butter and jelly-dilla instead. It’s a different take on the classic sandwich and can be eaten warm or cold — just make it however you want. You can even substitute the peanut butter for cream cheese and make yourself a cheese and jam wrap or tortilla. 


Make it your own: Spice it up

There are many ways you can make PBJ sandwiches your own. Perhaps, you prefer a crunch in your sandwich or really want to spice things up. Try adding an additional layer of bread in your sandwich and have one piece of bread with peanut butter, another with jelly and then your top slice. Add hot sauce if you want your PBJ to have a kick or exchange your typical jelly for a different flavor — you could do the same with your nut butter and your type of bread. Add potato chips, pretzels, granola or any other crunchy component to your sandwich. Test out different things. You’ll never know what might become your go-to PBJ snack. 


Get creative in the kitchen and make your own rendition of a delicious PBJ. Maybe, it’ll be a PBJ recipe you make for your kids in the future and keep the snack time tradition going. 


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