Finding fitness: Start climbing

Finding fitness: Start climbing  

Danna Bertel 


Finding the time and motivation to work out has been a hassle for me, so I tend to find workout opportunities in otherwise fun activities. In an outing with friends, we went rock climbing and I was surprised to be worn out by the end. Looking deeper, rock climbing offers a workout mixed with fun. It is a physically demanding activity combining both cardio and strength. 

Rock climbing is a full body workout which requires you to use your whole body to keep climbing and hopefully reach the top. Your arms, legs and glutes are all combined to help pull yourself up and sustain yourself to not fall in this adventure. Your brain can also come to play in this exercise. When rock climbing, you need to decide on which foothold you can step to keep climbing up or whether you can reach a certain handhold. The process of deciding to move either left, right or up can boost your cognitive skills and the way you process information. Rock climbing is also a good way to relieve stress by becoming engrossed in the activity by focusing on reaching and climbing.  

According to Michael Smith, the chief medical director at WebMD, rock climbing can challenge mentally and physically preventing workout boredom.  

Another benefit of rock climbing includes increases in flexibility. Climbing requires a variety of motions that are necessary to reach the handholds from a comfortable distance at times. As a vigorous exercise, climbing will raise your heart rate, helping you burn calories and improve your stamina. You can also improve your balance and coordination by rock climbing. Being able to navigate through various handholds and footholds without falling can be challenging. Climbing requires your hand and foot to be in coordination, while keeping track of where you started and where you are going. 

According to the Center for Disease and Control and Prevention, rock climbing health provides benefits in cardiovascular activity and reduces stress, and it can decrease the risk for a variety of chronic illnesses, such as hypertension and type two diabetes. 

If you are looking for a fun way to exercise, you can try rock climbing places near you with your friends. You can challenge yourself or even conquer your fear if you are not as comfortable with heights. Maybe you are tired of the same workout routines and you want to try something new. Luckily, NSU offers a rock-climbing wall at the RecPlex, open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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