Wonder Women: Lauren Gray wins award

Out of 31 nominees, Lauren Gray, senior behavioral neuroscience major and president of Delta Phi Epsilon, won the Wonder Women Award on March 22. Gray received a $500 scholarship for her high academic achievement, community service and participation in activities on NSU. “It was a complete surprise and true honor to be named Wonder Woman […]

Enjoying childhood snacks again

Growing up, I lived on all kinds of snacks. Every day after school I would grab a Princess Barbie Poptart, a bag of Goldfish crackers, a Trix yogurt and so on. Eventually, I stopped seeing some of the snacks I loved on the shelves of my local supermarket. Now, every time I notice a snack that I used to eat on the shelves, I instantly purchase it.   Gushers  Gushers were always in my top ten favorite childhood snacks, mostly because of […]