Tag: Shark Speak
On The Scene: What do you like or dislike about the RecPlex?
We asked students what they liked or disliked about the University’s RecPlex. Here is what they had to say:
Trent Richardson should get the Heisman trophy
Between breaking the ankles of Senquez Golson and stiff-arming Neico Thorpe to another planet, Trent Richardson undoubtedly deserves to lift the Heisman Trophy on Dec. 10. The Alabama running back has been a dominant force in the toughest conference in the nation, and that’s why he should win this prestigious award. It’s one thing to […]
On the bench: When in doubt, Tebow it out
He is carried by his faith, and even when there is seemingly no chance to win a football game, he has faith in his abilities which allows him to persevere.
Are you ready for some Thanksgiving football?
Three amazing football matchups to watch with loved ones. I can’t wait. While you’ll be busy salivating over the food, I’ll be salivating over these games. Like my boss’s favorite football player (Terrell Owens) once said, “Get your popcorn ready.”
No homecoming game, no bueno
Well, NSU doesn’t have a football team, and that’s fine. I can live with that. For NSU’s homecoming game, a basketball or volleyball match would suffice. However, there won’t be a homecoming game at NSU this year. That’s right. No homecoming game this year. My question is simple. Why?
Athletes and philanthropy
It’s clear you don’t need an eight figure salary to be a philanthropist or make a difference in people’s lives. The question is what have you done for your fellow members of the human race lately?
Collapse/comeback of the century
Before September, if I had told you both the Boston Red Sox and Atlanta Braves would fail to make it to the postseason, you would have called me delusional. Yet, it happened, and the country is still in shock.
On the Bench: Domestic violence is no sport
Manny Ramirez and Jayson Williams apparently have a few things in common. They were both professional athletes, and they have both been accused of domestic abuse. Domestic violence committed by athletes is pretty scary to think about, so why does it keep happening?