Shark Speak: Do we do enough to celebrate Black History Month on campus and in general?

Celine Rostant, junior, nursing major

“People on campus, in general, don’t do a lot to celebrate Black History Month. BSU and CSA do, but then again I don’t really keep up with things on campus because I’m busy all the time. [NSU] should do more to celebrate the culture.”







Anjli Patel, freshman, neuroscience major

“I’d have to say we do. I feel like it’s secluded more towards people who are specifically African American. Maybe we could try including people of other races, too.”






Martin Hemminghytt, freshman, psychology major

“No. There should be clearer posters and more awareness about upcoming [cultural] events so people are aware of what’s going on.”








Ronald Nelson, freshman, music major

“I haven’t seen anything, personally. If there is, then good job, Nova. I can’t say yes or no because I haven’t seen anything as of yet.”







Jason Pittmon, 2nd year graduate student, MBA

“I’m a commuter student, so when I come and visit the campus I don’t normally see a lot. I mean, I see the nations’ flags and things like that. I’m actually employed by another university and they do a little bit more [than NSU]. Again, that’s all from what I’m seeing.







Miriam Mahmoud, sophomore, legal studies major

“I would have to say no. Being an NSU student myself, I do interact a lot with African American students and students that identify as black. I don’t see any recognition or any sort of validation from them that they feel [Black History Month] is being widely celebrated. [NSU] could definitely do more– maybe having tabling events or even informational sessions.”

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